[Bachelor Thesis] Virtual Reality introduction tutorial

You can view the thesis and tutorial by clicking the following links:
The VR tutorial was a thesis project to teach people with a lack of technical backgrounds how to use Virtual Reality.
Some of the things I did:
- Desiging and implementing an XR-framework for the client, based on the cutting edge Unity XR Interaction Toolkit 2.0
- Desiging and implementing the VR Tutorial level in the Unity Engine
- Researched the level of intuitiveness in similar games and how to create an intuitive tutorial
- Executed playtests to test the intuitiveness of the tutorial with the target audience
For the complete picture, see the "Thesis" button at the top of this page.
The VR tutorial graduation thesis was completed in 20 weeks for a serious game company.
The following tools and languages were used in this project:
- C#
- Unity Engine
- Virtual Reality / Unity XR Interaction Toolkit 2.0
- Oculus Quest 2