[Videogame] Samurai Shampoo

Samurai Shampoo is a melee-based roguelike dungeon crawler videogame where a fallen samurai must retrieve his stolen Shampoo. It was awarded second place overall game in the "Winnovation best-overall game" category.
As of writing, Samurai Shampoo has had over 20.000 unique players, over 170 steam reviews, and approval for Nintendo Switch development.
Samurai Shampoo was originally created by 6 people in 10 weeks. Post-launch it was developed further by 2 people, including me.
Some of my contributions post-launch:
- Redesigned all menus and UI elements to be more polished;
- Set up several playtests and collected player feedback on new systems and features
- Balanced several systems and items (Like 'chest room' spawn rates and potion statistics) as a response to player feedback;
- Developed a playable mobile version of samurai shampoo (unpublished)
- Improved Steam Store page. Improved screenshots and trailer, hired freelancer for capsule(s).
Some of my contributions during the initial development of Samurai Shampoo:
- Designed and implemented core systems like; the Entity-Component system, State machines and states, "Health point" system, Sound system, and luck system
- Researched best implementations of UI/UX (User Interface / User Experience, including 'game feel')
- Designed UI/UX and implemented them
- Tested implementations of UI/UX through playtesting
- showed leadership and mediator skills through steering the project when needed, making quick decisions when necessary, and mediate in the project group when needed
- Was pro-active by actively communicating with outsiders (Reviewers, judges, etc) and taking responsibility of multiple parts of the project.
- Designed and published the Steam Store page.
Samurai Shampoo was made using C# in Unity.